Thursday, August 20, 2009
Getting ready to Moodle
To start you thinking about Moodle and its functionality - here is a movie (2 min 45) that explains the bits of Moodle using lego.
There are also the Using Moodle book (this is what I used to build my first moodle course).
I am really impressed with the increased awareness of social presence within the Moodle environment that I am currently trialling with students. You know who the particpants are, when they are online, where they have been, where the unread discussion forums are - it really feels alive. I am hopeful that this change to Moodle will convince more teachers to use the online environment as a way to engage students in their learning.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Online conferences

- joined in to live keynote sessions using virtual classroom software (Elluminate) with a web cam on the speaker and the slides interacting via chat
- participated in smaller breakout sessions interacting via chat and voice, and
- created my Second Life alter-ego Eliamber Keger to get to some sessions in Second Life learning spaces
- have access to recordings of the main sessions, as well as other resources.
I noticed that there is another online conference coming up that is relevant to our Division - the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 09). Fully online on December 4 - 12, 2009.
Find out more here
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Eportfolios in Engineering – Advantages and Disadvantages
Using PebblePad as a webfolio tool with engineering students - Advantages and Disadvantages.
I chose to use PebblePad as a tool for the students to use to submit their computer models and drawings. The year before, we used AssignIT where the students put all their work into one zip file and uploaded it into AssignIT, producing a series of files for assessment. By using PebblePad, I was looking at linking those files together with a bit of reflection from the students about how they completed the assigned tasks. AssignIT requires all of the student’s work to be bundled into one zip file and submitted as one file. I have used this twice now with large files and on both occasions, AssignIT has crashed as the students were submitting these very large files at the same time. PebblePad not only allows multiple smaller files to be uploaded, the students can upload these files gradually each week.
I used the profiler tool to get the students to look at their work and reflect on their learning outcomes by answering a series of questions. The profiler tool is a dynamic, real time resource so we can look at the students’ work and provide immediate feedback, and allow the students to act on this feedback prior to their work being assessed. In addition, it can actually make marking very easy because work can be assessed as it is submitted rather than in a block at the end of the course.

Students saw growth in their knowledge
Another advantage is file preservation. If the students upload their work regularly, they reduce the risks of losing files or having their files corrupted.
Students can create a personal page with a photo of themselves, a few of their aspirations and a some personal background allowing academics to get know the students on a personal level and not just their name and ID number. If webfolios are used across multiple courses, the students can just call up this page into each course webfolio.
To utilise some of PebblePad’s features the students need to upload their work regularly, but many were reluctant to do this. Few students took the opportunity to respond to the feedback we provided and make changes to their work before it was formally assessed.
Some students did not understand the importance of sending their work to the gateway. We also had the issue of students thinking they could use the one webfolio for two courses resulting in some students sending work to the wrong gateway.
PebblePad is an interesting repository for work but the way it is structured, asset tracking and asset finding is not very user friendly. Asset management issues included students deleting files and breaking links between files, or updating a file and not updating the hyperlinks resulting in missing files. All we see is what students link to their webfolio, not the work that they have uploaded into PebblePad. Additionally, some students compressed their work up in file formats not able to be opened by the university computers. The students needed to resubmit in the correct zip file format. We held a session on webfolio development but less than half the students attended that session. The students who attended the session found it much easier than those who did not.
In hindsight, I realise that I should have asked the students to submit a single zip file each week and post a reflective comment about that week’s work rather than submitting up to 10 files for a week. Accessing multiple files is very time consuming in PebblePad.
A passionate group of students absolutely disliked PebblePad as it was either too difficult to use or too simplistic in its capabilities. Others wanted to personalise it to the limits that other web authoring software allows. PebblePad did not easily allow this. The other drawback of PebblePad is that we were looking at engineering drawings and whilst it allows viewing of jpegs their resolution was not high enough for us to read these drawings very clearly and individual files had to be opened in a series of cascading menus to view their work and this became quite time consuming.
Future Directions
Some of the improvements that could be made to Pebble Pad are to give it a corporate UniSA rather than a primary school feel. I would like to see it re-badged, corporatised and the PebblePad name removed. The interfaces, the fonts and low-tech look of it do not appeal to engineering students.

Eportfolios in Engineering
Dr. Fielke identified three interesting areas that arose from his experience with using e-portfolios, or webfolios, for the first time in 2009 in his Computer Techniques course.

Using the Profiler tool in PebblePad to assist students to reflect on his/her development of the UniSA Graduate Qualities
Students reflected on their modes of learning
The students might be inclined to put off their thinking about the graduate qualities until they near graduation, however, presenting a series of questions that they have to answer about their current personal development makes them reflect on this and helps them to think very clearly about the skills they are developing even at this early stage of their studies.
Self-assessment using the Profile tool in PebblePad
I also used the profiler tool to ask the students to reflect on their effort and learning in the course, and predict their grades. I was surprised at the number of students that self-rated themselves quite low and identified that they did not put a huge effort into the course. They included many comments to justify why this was the case. Some students did think they deserved a HD, whereas other students thought they deserved a C and suggested that they had understood most of the course but had a few difficulties here and there. Some self- rated themselves as a P2 and commented that they did not try too hard, but thought they had done enough to scrape over the line. A couple of students rated themselves as an F and explained that they had not had the time to put the effort into the course. I was very surprised at how accurately they predicted their grades, probably within one grade. It really showed to me that the students do acknowledge the amount of work they put in and they do aim for a grade. They are not all after a HD for an assignment, they might like it but in reality, they are just going to do enough work to get the grade they are aiming for.
It was very easy using the profiler tool. The reporting function allows quick and easy access to information provided by the students. However, there is so much functionality in PebblePad that we still have not used.